Moderation is Key!

April is Alcohol Awareness Month and it's important to know how drinking can affect your body. Besides getting that horrible hangover, there can also be serious consequences to your health. This includes damaging organs, getting cancer, or weakening your immune system. 

Brain: Alcohol can greatly affect your communication pathway. You will have a harder time focusing and you will not be able to think clearly. Your coordination and mood will also be affected. Do you want to be in control of your own body and remember everything you did the night before? Drink in moderation and make sure to be thinking about your brain when you take that first sip of alcohol. This doesn't mean you can't drink, just be aware of the consequences and protect your brain! 

Heart: The more alcohol you drink, the more damage there is going to be to the heart. This means drinking a lot in one sitting or over a long period of time. A lot of studies say drinking wine can protect you from getting heart disease. This may be true but it has to be in moderation! Drinking too much alcohol can cause an irregular heart beat, stroke, high blood pressure, or cardiomyopathy. Keep your heart strong and healthy. 

Liver: Most of the time when we think of drinking too much we think of the toll it's taking on the liver. The main cause of liver disease is alcohol. The result of heavy drinking is getting a fatty liver which is an early stage of liver disease. There are a variety of health problems that can occur such as liver inflammation, cirrhosis, fibrosis, hepatitis, or steatosis. Try not to over do it on the amount of alcohol you consume, your liver will thank you later. 

Pancreas: If you are a heavy drinker you have a higher chance of getting pancreatitis. Drinking too much over a long period of time will cause the pancreas to be inflamed. Once this occurs there are really no cures, just treatments to slow the process down. Don't let it get to this point!

Cancer: Drinking alcohol can cause mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, liver, or breast cancer. You are at high risk for mouth cancer if you drink more than 5 drinks each day. Drinking less=reduce your risk for cancer! 

Immune System: The more you drink the more likely you will get a disease because of your weakened immune system. Your body will be a much easier target to attack. There will be a greater risk of contracting pneumonia, tuberculosis, or even HIV. If you are already fighting some sort of infection it is highly recommended that you stay away from alcohol because your immune system will already be compromised. 

The theme here is drinking in moderation! 


Think Green!

Let's get in the mood this St. Patty's Day and make ourselves a Green Shake! This is super simple to make and has great benefits!

  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 large kale lead, stem removed, chopped
  • 1/4 cup grapes
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1 banana

Blend all ingredients until smooth. 


Spinach: Rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, and iron. It helps with skin care, improves eyesight, provides stronger muscles and can regulate blood pressure. 
Celery: Good source of antioxidants and is full of vitamins and minerals. It helps with digestion and can keep you hydrated.
Kale: Aids in digestion and has many nutrients. Kale is a good anti-inflammatory food and can lower cholesterol levels.
Grapes: They are full of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. Grapes can help with eye problems and other health conditions. 
Apples: Aid digestion as they contain a lot of fiber. They can control diabetes, prevent conditions, and treat anemia. 
Banana: They are full of potassium and can help with digestion. Banana's contain powerful antioxidants which provides many health benefits. 



Save Your Vision

March is Save Your Vision Month! Technology is growing so rapidly and it has become part of our everyday lives. Whether it be your phone, tablet, computer, or tv our eyes are always fixed on something. In each of these items there is blue light exposure which can do damage to our eyes just like UV lights. Here are some tips for when you are using these devices to take the strain away from your eyes. 

  • Turn off all your digital devices before you go to bed as they can disrupt your sleep patterns.
  • If you are on your device for more than 20 minutes, take a 20-second break where you focus your eyes on something else farther away. It is said that it takes 20 seconds for the eyes to relax.
  • Try to keep your screens an arms length away. The eyes won't have to work as hard.
  • Try to keep your brightness lower to reduce the strain. 

Make sure to be getting regular eye exams each year! 
