Sunscreen 101

With summer right around the corner, it's important to understand how to apply sunscreen. It seems simple but most people over look it. Sunscreen should be applied every time you go outside. This may seem excessive but it's one of the best ways to protect your skin. If you do not want to apply sunscreen make sure to be wearing protective clothing. This includes hats, sunglasses, or long sleeve shirts and pants. Now during summer, we don't want to be wearing clothing that will make us hot so instead we need to apply sunscreen to all the exposed skin. 

Choosing a sunscreen is very important. The first thing you should do is pick a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. This will block most of the sun's ultraviolet rays. You also want to look for the word broad spectrum on the sunscreen. This will protect your skin from premature skin aging and also getting a sunburn. If the sunscreen does not protect against UVA rays and UVB rays you will have a higher risk of getting skin cancer. You also want a sunscreen that is water resistant. This way it will still work when you go swimming or if you are sweating. It's best to apply sunscreen every 2 hours, or after you get wet. 

The type of sunscreen you use, spray or rub on, depends on your personal preference. Sprays are easy to apply but you may end up missing some areas. You can't measure how much mist is going on your body compared to cream sunscreens. Most people are more likely to use sprays though because it doesn't take too long to apply and doesn't leave your hands feeling all greasy. The best way to protect your face is to use a creamy rub on sunscreen. This way you are not breathing in fumes that spray sunscreen contains. If you are going to be out in the sun for a long period of time you could always start with a cream sunscreen and reapply with a spray! 

Regardless of what kind of sunscreen you choose, just make sure you are taking the proper steps to protect your skin! 


Supercharge Your Morning With Coffee & Turmeric

With busy schedules and always having to be on-the-go there is not a lot of time to make meals at home. Since most people need coffee and use that as their source of energy one thing you can start doing before you leave the house is adding some turmeric to your drink! This way you will be getting amazing health benefits everyday and are able to take it with you when you leave the house! 

Here is a recipe for adding turmeric to your coffee!

  • 8 ounces coffee
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 3/8 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon grass-fed unsalted butter
  • raw honey to taste (optional)

Brew the coffee with cinnamon and turmeric. Pour the coffee into a blender along with butter and raw honey (if you like). Blend until smooth. 

You can be creative with this and come up with your own recipe. Don't miss out on the great benefits turmeric has to offer! 


Spicing Up Your Life

Did you know that turmeric is rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients? It is known as a booster food because of the nutrients it provides to our diet. Who wouldn't want to consume something that has so many great benefits and qualities? If you don't know what turmeric is, it's a bright yellow spice that is used for flavoring and coloring foods. In other cultures, this spice has been used to treat conditions such as allergies & asthma, infections, digestive disorders, cold and flu symptoms, wounds, liver disease, and abdominal pain. Also, if you are low in potassium or iron, turmeric is a great way to get these minerals.

Now the most important component of turmeric is curcumin. It is said to have so many health benefits such as helping with inflammation and diseases. There have also been studies that it has helped individuals who have alzheimer's disease, cancer, crohn's disease, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, or diabetes. Curcumin helps the body fight against those invaders as well as helping to repair any damage in the body. 

Now that you know a little bit about turmeric and curcumin don't you agree that this should be apart of your diet? Start adding this spice to your recipes or you could even take supplements. It's easy to add to your diet and with a yummy taste it is also very enjoyable! Make turmeric apart of your life!  
